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Use of Functional MRI to Validate the Presence of Pain


Pain is a subjective sensation. To date, validation of an individual's claim to be experiencing pain rested on a history of injury, supportive physical exam, imaging studies, and evaluation by pain specialists. Functional MRI has been shown by many researchers to be able to show increased brain activity in known pain sensory areas. Use of functional neuroimaging finally allows for the objective documentation of the existence of pain. MMT has experience in the use of neuroimaging to provide objective graphically illustrated fMRI scans to support claims of (acute inducible) pain. This information can be used, among other things, to support / document injury claims.


Actual fMRI study prepared by MMR in support of litigation

Review Article : Functional MRI Can Be Used to Assess Pain

NEJM 2013 article on fMRI imaging of Pain

Univ Colorado article on imaging of Pain

Contact MMT to learn how MMT PainScans can provide OBJECTIVE VISUAL and GRAPHIC documentation of pain.

Link to our android app for PAIN imaging